Privacy & Security Center

The Problem
The challenge is to ensure customers can easily understand and find and access all the needed information in an expected location on for continued trust shopping with them.

Developed A Plan
Previously, I worked with the stakeholders to implement the privacy request form. After the launch, they entrusted me to build and present a plan with how and what resources I would need to make the new website.
My plan included the research tools, budget needed, and the development of a UX roadmap. The roadmap consists of the goals and questions to be answered for each initiative within a given timeline. These are the initiatives included in the UX roadmap.
Competitive Analysis
I looked at over 20 company privacy center experiences across eight industries.
Here’s some of the key insights:
- Financial, media, software, and retail industries have the most privacy centers.
- Within financial industries, they have “Privacy Center” as the name of their experience.
- Majority of experiences had the following content within their experience:
- Privacy approaches/principles
- Uses of data
- Links to help review and update personal information/preferences
I conducted seven interviews with customers to understand their perceptions of the different sites, important content, and trust based on the homepages from the competitive analysis. They were selected based on industry, page design, and content approach.
Overall Results
Page Transformation
I designed many iterations of the pages throughout the process. Some reasons for continued iteration includes:
- The website URL
- Usability test results
- Page content
- Design standards
These are some wireframes and mock-ups of a few iterations of the homepage.
Navigating the Privacy Statement
The original privacy statement page was hard to navigate and read. I facilitated a design studio for redesigning this page, which brought out different interactions and sections to include.
From testing and the design studio, I added a statement overview page. Both of these pages have a sticky “Table of Contents” section and a ”Back to Top” button for consistency and ease of navigation.

Navigating the Experience
I conducted a card sort and a treejack study to form the main navigation.

Continuous Collaboration
I coordinated continuous check-ins with content strategists, the Online Design Operations (ODO) team, and legal stakeholders.
The areas of the design I contributed the most to were the website's main navigation and the hero components of the homepage. When collaborating with the ODO team, it was discussed that these components didn't follow the design system standards. I then spent several design sessions with ODO team members to analyze the site architecture and the results of usability tests to create variations of the home page.
After creating several variations of the components, we realized the product-specific design standards hindered customers from completing their tasks. As a result, I convinced the ODO team to agree to use the main navigation and hero components I originally designed.
Final Details
I conducted several studies to determine the website name and location of experience on, and preferred logo.
I then ran three name preference studies to help determine the most understandable name associated with the functionality customers can perform.
Some of the names selected for the study were:
- Privacy Toolbox
- Consumer Privacy Center
- Privacy & Security Center
Participants who saw titles like Privacy thought it was too generic and didn't give enough context regarding what the website would provide for them. While names like Privacy & Security Center that incorporated the words ”security” and “center” gave participants a sense of safety and believed it was a central place for them to go for privacy and security information. These were titles participants gravitated towards the most. Stakeholders were worried that the website would be misleading since there wouldn't be any security information. Names like Consumer Privacy Center provided belief the website was a central location for Home Depot’s DIY customer's privacy information, though stakeholders had a concern about alienating Home Depot's Pro and Contractor customers.
From the gathered sentiment on the studied names, the stakeholders and I decided on the new title, Privacy & Security Center.
I made Home Depot’s privacy information centralized, more comprehensive, and easier to digest.
The key outcomes:
- Added site navigation to link all the privacy-related pages.
- Added a summary page of important information customers cared about the most.
- Improved the privacy request form page.
- Built more trust with stakeholders to show the value of UX.